The Evolution of Risk Reporting
One of the key questions financial services firms ask every morning is, “Am I riskier today than I was yesterday?” Institutions need to know whether their risk profile has changed, and why. In such a highly competitive industry and a constantly evolving economic environment, knowing how and why their risk profile is changing – or […]
CECL/IFRS 9 Update: New Credit Impairment Model Deadlines and Implementation Considerations
As Protiviti reported back in May, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) have been looking for lessons in the global banking crisis of 2007-08 and have come up with new forward-looking predictive models for financial institutions to use when estimating how much to reserve against potential loan losses. […]
PCI DSS 3.2 – What You Need to Know
We’ve been getting a lot of inquiries from clients on the new payment card industry (PCI) compliance standard issued by the PCI Security Standards Council in April. The new data security standards (DSS) release, dubbed PCI DSS Version 3.2, contains some major changes from the previous version. The changes are explained pretty clearly in […]
Global CAEs Seeing Regulatory Convergence
At The Institute of Internal Auditors International Conference in New York this July, I had the privilege of moderating a panel of CAEs on global audit issues, emerging risks and challenges in the financial services industry. We had a large international group, including hundreds of CAEs, who were eager to hear from our panelists representing […]