Manufacturers Must Focus on Workforce Planning to Accelerate Digital Transformation Efforts

Global manufacturing has been expanding, new orders are up, and the sector is experiencing an uptick in job growth. Even U.S. manufacturing appears to be on the rebound; in March, the industry posted its strongest two-month advance in three years. Leading the way in output were manufacturers of fabricated metals, machinery and plastics, paper, and […]
When Bad Things Happen to Good Companies — the Case For Culture Assurance

May is Internal Audit Awareness month. Over the course of the month, we will be taking a closer look at the internal audit profession from various perspectives, including industry, technology, and the “future auditor”— an embodiment of those skills and capabilities most valuable to the future of the internal audit function. Subscribe to our blog to […]
The First 100 Days of the Trump Administration – What Actually Happened and What Does It Mean to Business?

On Saturday, we marked the 100th day of Trump’s presidency. While this artificial benchmark is often made out to be more important than it really is, Protiviti takes a look at the major business-related developments under the new administration in a hot-off the-press Flash Report. In our report, we examine what’s happened along a wide […]