Compliance Insights Podcast: Virtual Currencies and Sanctions Risk, Latest CFPB Actions, FINRA’s Annual Report

In the latest podcast edition of Compliance Insights, Protiviti senior director Sean Kulczycki and senior manager Denis Camilo discuss in depth some of the issues from our latest Compliance Insights newsletter. Download the latest newsletter at Full transcript of the podcast follows. In-Depth Interview – Compliance Insights podcastJanuary 30, 2019 [Transcript] Was this post […]
Private Companies: Avoid Revenue Reckoning — Tackle Revenue Recognition Now

As of January 1, 2019, private companies are required to comply with new revenue recognition rules designed to make accounting more transparent and uniform across industries. This change is part of a broader initiative to align global accounting rules and replace outdated proscriptive practices with a more principles-based approach. The new revenue rules can be […]
A Clear and Broad View of Digital Transformation Can Create Long-Term Value for Manufacturing Firms

From the back office to the factory floor to e-commerce operations, manufacturing companies have abundant opportunities to enhance their businesses digitally. But with so many options come decision and resource problems. This often results in digital initiatives either stalling after they start or not getting off the ground in time for the business to gain […]
Despite Slow Adoption, Companies Are Putting Artificial Intelligence on Fast Track, Protiviti Survey Finds

A new global study finds that while the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is low today, it is expected to create increased revenue, productivity, profitability and shareholder value for businesses within two years. Overall, only 16 percent of business leaders surveyed perceive they are currently garnering significant value from advanced AI. However, AI programs are […]
Proactive ESG Reporting Could Give Energy and Utilities Firms a Competitive Advantage

It’s becoming increasingly difficult for energy and utilities companies to dismiss the important role of environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting in their long-term success. Investors not only want to incorporate ESG data into their decision-making but they also now expect to have that information. And even if a growing firm doesn’t yet need to […]
Insurance Accounting Changes Are Coming Globally, and a Coordinated Approach Is Best

Most public companies have already switched to the new revenue recognition standards and have moved on to the implementation of new lease accounting rules. Private companies, which were given a year longer to prepare, are close on their heels. Financial institutions are working out the kinks in complying with new rules on current expected credit […]