The Protiviti View  | Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

The Protiviti View

Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

A Different Front in the COVID-19 Outbreak: Information Security

As the world faces the medical concerns associated with COVID-19 and moves home to work, healthcare workers not on the front line — those in administration and information technology (IT) — feel a different pressure. While this does not have the same gravity as saving lives, it is the challenge of keeping the business running […]

Internal Audit Applications of AI: It Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated to Be Effective

For many internal auditors, artificial intelligence (AI) may seem like a daunting topic to tackle — but that shouldn’t stop them from considering how they can apply it to their work. Tools and techniques exist that can provide auditors with powerful, straightforward techniques to enhance their work. With an increased focus and urgency around the […]

The Implications of COVID-19 on Power and Utility Services

FERC Order 2222 Levels the Playing Field for Distributed Energy Resources

The COVID-19 crisis has taken all industries by surprise. For utility organizations that offer essential services such as power production, power and gas transmission and distribution, and other public services, having strong crisis management and business continuity practices will play a critical role in how companies are able to manage the unfolding crisis successfully. Based […]

COVID-19 Crisis Exposes Flaws in Master Data Sets

As leaders across all industries struggle with COVID-19 responses and business continuity planning, one simple lesson is becoming apparent – good data is key! One of the basic tenets in crisis management is frequent communication with clients, employees, vendors and other stakeholders but many organizations have struggled with this communication due to issues with the […]

SOX Risk Assessment in the Time of COVID-19

April is the traditional start of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) risk assessment season for calendar-year filers. With the 10-K and proxy statement filed and the Q1 close coming to completion, organizations typically kick off the next fiscal year’s compliance efforts with the annual risk assessment. As we begin to navigate this season in the time of the […]
