The Protiviti View  | Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

The Protiviti View

Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

COVID-19 Vaccine — Is Your Organization Prepared to Meet Compliance Requirements?

two healthcare professionals scrubbed up and ready for surgery

As vaccine distribution begins, one result is the rapidly evolving regulatory requirements surrounding COVID-19 vaccine acquisition, storage, administration and reporting. These quick-turn process shifts and needs can overwhelm staff and place them under intense pressure. Organizations may also be exposed to risks of noncompliance and expensive penalties if the following processes are not in place: […]

Attention, CFOs: Your Most Important Asset Is Not on Your Balance Sheet

Which of the following assets will power your business going forward? Cash and equivalents Accounts receivable Investments Plant, property and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Arguably, among the six assets above, the most leverageable assets are the intangible assets, which, by definition, have not been quantified. When one company purchases another for a value greater […]

Resilience and the Workforce Are Key Concerns in 2021 and Over the Next Decade, According to Protiviti-NC State Global Survey

view of downtown skyscrapers from office window

Board members and C-suite executives around the globe are most concerned in 2021 with risks associated with COVID-19-related government policies and regulations, economic conditions that may restrict growth, and market conditions that may continue to impact customer demand, according to a new survey from Protiviti and NC State University. Amid these near-term headwinds, when asked […]