The Protiviti View  | Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

The Protiviti View

Insights From Our Experts on Trends, Risks and Opportunities

TMT Executives Identify Pandemic Policies, Cyber Threats and Data Privacy Among Top Risk Issues for 2021 and Beyond

Even with COVID-19 cases plummeting and vaccinations ramping up, many organizations worry about aggressive actions by the government to stem the virus and its new variants. Operational challenges posed by the lingering impacts of the pandemic remains a top concern identified by technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) industry group directors and executives in the ninth […]

Transition Service Agreements: Early Planning Avoids These 10 Common Pitfalls

aerial view of winding road and dense forest

Divestitures and carve-outs are a big change for an organization and can bring a great amount of disruption to its operations. During this disruptive period, transition service agreements (TSAs) – temporary agreements to continue to provide services to the carved-out organization until it is up to speed on its own – typically serve as the […]

Consumer Products and Services Executives Identify Pandemic Policies, Market Conditions and Talent Shortage Among Top Risk Issues for 2021 and Beyond

The results of the 2021 Top Risks Survey from Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative reflect equally the unprecedented challenges and opportunities facing the consumer products and services (CP&S) industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the results show many CP&S executives are worried about a mix of macroeconomic, strategic and operational […]

GameStop Saga Exposes Trading Flaws, Reveals Huge Opportunity for a “Disruptor”

The January 2021 trading frenzy surrounding GameStop and other meme stocks was driven by the collective mob mentality of people on a social media channel – not by Wall Street-aligned firms or a substantive news event. People with online monikers like “Roaring Kitty” and “BowlerGuy92” tried to take on Wall Street, and, in the end, […]

Risk Survey: Future-Readiness Demands Anticipation and Action

view of downtown skyscrapers from office window

The business world is vying for a stable footing while navigating the shaky grounds of the current pandemic. There is widespread acknowledgment that markets are evolving to a “new normal” and are not likely to revert back to pre-pandemic norms. As customer preferences and behaviors change and the workplace evolves, business models, out of necessity, […]

To Prepare for Risks the Next Decade May Bring, Start Fostering an Innovation Mindset Now

In today’s dynamic and uncertain business climate, a company’s ability to innovate continuously and strategically is not only a business differentiator but a survival strategy. The disruption and uncertainty of the past year drew a sharp line between the businesses that innovated quickly and thrived and those that failed to adjust quickly and faltered. It’s […]