Quantum computing capabilities are exploding, causing disruption and opportunities, but many technology and business leaders don’t understand the impact this technology will have on their business. Protiviti has launched a bi-weekly podcast, The Post-Quantum World, as we discuss hot topics and the business impacts, benefits and threats of this exciting new capability.
In each episode, hosted by Konstantinos Karagiannis, Protiviti’s quantum computing services lead, we invite quantum experts and business leaders to discuss and share insights and actions all organizations should be considering today to prepare for mass adoption of quantum computing.
Listen to our two most recent episodes, Microsoft Azure Quantum: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, and Bitcoin May Be Doomed. What Can We Learn From The Quantum Resistant Ledger?
To follow the series, subscribe to The Post-Quantum World wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, or bookmark our podcast series page. New podcasts are posted every other Wednesday.