When asked about the long-term implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on New York City, Thomas DiNapoli, the state’s 54th comptroller, said, “Look, New York City has been counted out many times before, and it’s always shown tremendous resilience. I would never bet against New York City.”
In a recent interview for VISION by Protiviti, DiNapoli explained that while New York City has seen its share of major crises over the years, “history says we always end up better, not worse.” He pointed to Lower Manhattan as a prime example: “Right after 9/11, there was nothing going on downtown.” But now, he said, the area is “humming” with business activity, and it’s become a residential community, too — “much more so than it ever was pre-9/11.”
But for New York City to remain “a place that attracts young, talented people — in the arts, technology or the financial sector” in the future, DiNapoli emphasized that there must be a strong focus today on helping the next generation feel confident about growing their careers and families in the city. Businesses adapting to new realities like hybrid work can help, he explained.
To learn what else DiNapoli had to say in our recent Q&A, including his thoughts on how New York City and New York state can accelerate their economic recovery, see “NY Comptroller: If COVID can’t kill a city, can it make it stronger?” on VISION by Protiviti. Subscribe to the VISION by Protiviti newsletter.
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