Preparing for the Acquisition Your CEO Hasn’t Announced Yet: Three Actions to Take Now

More than halfway through 2018, we see corporations generally enjoying an influx of cash and improved business conditions, and benefitting from new tax laws. These trends are helping make 2018 one of the strongest years for mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in history, with current M&A activity 50 percent above the 2017 pace. What does that […]
New Small-Dollar Lending Guidelines and Tenants’ Rights in Foreclosures: Listen to Our Podcast

In the podcast below, Protiviti Risk and Compliance experts Steven Stachowicz and Tom Giltrow elaborate on two of the topics of the July issue of Protiviti’s Compliance Insights newsletter – the OCC’s new guidance on short-term, small-dollar loans and the restoration by Congress of certain tenant protection provisions in foreclosure situations. The full newsletter, which […]
New Survey by Protiviti Measures SOX Automation, Costs, Hours and More

According to Protiviti’s 2018 Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance Survey, released today, most companies are not taking advantage of available tools and technology, such as automated controls and testing and robotic process automation (RPA), to reduce the time and cost expended to achieve SOX compliance. Less than one-third of organizations are using technology tools such as automated […]
The Financial Crisis of 2008 – May We Never Forget the Lessons Learned

The subprime lending crisis of 2008, which led to significant distress in the financial markets, was a disaster of mega proportions. Its root causes are many, making it systemic in nature as opposed to a one-off situation in a specific company. Loan originators brokered financing of houses without regard to credit quality so they could […]
Managed Services Can Help Emerging Tech Firms Scale for Growth and Maintain Momentum

Growth is the goal for emerging technology companies. When it happens fast, however, it can be challenging for these businesses to manage that change and to scale, especially in back-office areas like accounting, finance and IT. Setting up or optimizing core functions with labor-intensive processes is about the last thing business leadership wants to think […]
Knowledge Is Power: What Higher Education Institutions Must Know About GDPR Compliance Risk

In the coming months, as U.S. colleges and universities prepare to welcome students to a new academic year, a priority topping their to-do lists should be identifying and understanding their risk exposure to the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). They also should be making appropriate changes to meet the technological, administrative and […]