BlackRock’s Larry Fink Draws Another Line in the Sand – The Message Is Getting Clearer

On Jaunary 14, BlackRock’s Chairman and CEO Larry Fink issued his annual letter to public company chief executives. BlackRock is a global investment management company, the world’s largest, with almost $7 trillion in assets under management as of September 2019. This year’s letter conveys several important messages that are worth noting by those responsible for […]
RPA Deployments Remain Untapped Opportunities for Oil and Gas Companies

Energy and utilities businesses, like many companies, can benefit from using robotic process automation (RPA) to drive efficiencies, boost speed to market and bolster financial performance. However, many of these firms — and oil and gas companies, in particular — have been slow to invest in RPA projects. While they are applying new technology and […]
A Rise in Collaboration Between Internal Audit and IT Is a Welcome Trend

In mid-October, Protiviti and ISACA released the 2019 Global IT Audit Benchmarking Study, for which we surveyed more than 2,200 internal audit (IA) executives and professionals around the world. We summarized the key findings of the survey in this post, and we discussed them at greater length during a recent webinar. In this post, I […]
LIBOR Transition: Preventing History From Repeating Itself

The London Interbank Offer Rate, or LIBOR, which according to the New York Times is the “one number that arguably matters more than any other” in the world of finance, will no longer be the primary benchmark rate used by the financial services industry as of year-end 2021. In the 35 years since the financial […]
PCAOB Shares Audit Committee Insights

Last month, in an effort to improve audit quality and provide transparency into the inspections process, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) released a report drawing on conversations with nearly 400 audit committee chairs. On Jan. 2, 2020, Protiviti published a flash report highlighting key points in the PCAOB’s report, along with commentary. Here […]
Getting Ready for the Threat of Cyber Warfare

On January 4, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) bulletin describing current developments and general trends regarding the terrorist threat posed by nation-state cyber warfare programs. According to the NTAS, the catalyst for the bulletin’s issuance is the United States’ “lethal strike in Iraq killing Iranian IRGC-Quds […]