One CFO’s M&A Secrets: How Integration Speed Stems Talent Drain
The big picture: After a prolonged lull, M&A activity may be on the cusp of revival. What to watch: One organization has sustained an aggressive approach to acquisitions throughout the dry spell, contributing to 500% growth as it snapped up more than 20 companies over a short period. How it works: The organization’s CFO describes […]
The Clock’s Ticking for Tech Firms to Prepare for EU’s Digital Services Act
Time is running short for technology companies, particularly those providing hosting services, large online platforms and search engines, to comply with the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The law aims to protect the digital space, creating a safe place for users, against the spread of illegal content, particularly on social networks, content-sharing platforms and […]
Flash Report — PCAOB Issues Staff Update and Preview of 2022 Inspection Observations
The big picture: On July 25, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board published its Staff Update and Preview of 2022 Inspection Observations. Why it matters: Monitoring the PCAOB’s activities is critically important for SEC registrants, as it provides a window into the board’s comprehensive inspections program and methodologies around evaluating quality control standards for auditing […]
Women in Energy Podcast: What Keeps Energy Leaders Up at Night?
What’s new: We recently participated in a podcast with the Women’s Energy Network (WEN). Why it matters: This lively discussion covered many topics, including: Market trends Key risks Innovation Importance of being agile The bottom line: Much of our conversation focused on what’s on energy leaders’ minds, including findings from Protiviti’s top risks survey. Listen […]
How Digital Twins Transform Supply Chains
What’s new: Digital twins can optimize existing supply chains and help design new trade networks. Supply-chain digital twins are now being created faster with less expensive technology and fewer eye-popping 3D graphics. Yes, but: Harnessing these opportunities starts with correcting three common misunderstandings. How it works: The foundational building blocks of supply chain digital twins […]
ISSB Approves First Two Sustainability Disclosure Standards, and the Time Is Now for Jurisdictions to Act
At a Glance: The ISSB has released the first sustainability disclosure standards. They’re voluntary, but wide adoption is expected among IFRS reporters around the globe. The standards focus on climate disclosures, targets and metrics, initially through ISSB S2. IFRS reporters will benefit from complying with any applicable European Sustainability Reporting Standards first because of their […]